Saturday, July 27, 2013

Week Two Registration and Lesson Plans

So, the second week lesson plans are FINALLY posted. We're so sorry it has taken so long, but hopefully you'll forgive us when you see the fun stuff we have planned! Lesson plans for the third week will be up within the next week, so make sure to check back again soon. Also, the registration deadline for our second week of Summer Sprouts has been extended to the 29th, the first day of camp. Make sure to bring your registration form and payment with your child at 9:30 that morning! Also, here's a quick review of details for Week Two:

July 29th-August 1st, 9:30-11:30
$30 per child, ages 4-10
Registration deadline: July 29th

We have limited spots left, so if you possibly can, please call ahead to see if we have a space for your child. We're excited to meet our new Sprouts and get going again after our month break!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Week One Day One: Getting to Know You

Today was our first day of Week One Summer Sprouts Day Camp! Our Sprouts had lots of fun today as we met everyone and learned that everyone is special. Here are some pictures of our fantastic first day!


 Do you like their chalk self portraits? :) We had a good time. See you tomorrow, Sprouts!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Registration Deadline for Week One

Today is the registration deadline for Week One of Summer Sprouts' Day Camps! We have a few spots left, so register today! Click here to print out a registration form. Get your registration form and payment to Summer Sprouts Headquarters (1219 N. 450 W. in American Fork) today before 10 pm. Here is the information on Week One once again:

June 24-27, 9:30-11:30
$30 per child, ages 4-10
Registration deadline: Today!

We're really excited to finally get going, and Week One is going to start us off with a bang! If you haven't seen the lesson plans for Week One, please click the "Lesson and Activity Plans" above. Week One is going to be great, and we hope your child can join us!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Lesson Plans and Registration Deadlines

The lesson plans for Week One are finally finished and posted! The lesson plans for Weeks Two and Three will be following shortly. Thanks for your patience! :) Also, just a reminder that the deadline to register for Week One is this Saturday, June 22. The cost is $30 per child, and Week One runs June 24-27 at the Summer Sprouts Headquarters (1219 N 450 W in American Fork). Please bring your registration form and payment to the Summer Sprouts Headquarters by June 22. Thank you!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

New Summer Day Camps!

We finally have dates for our second year of our Summer Day Camps! There are currently three weeks for you to choose from:

Summer Sprouts Day Camp One:
June 24-27, 9:30-11:30
$30 per child (ages 4-10)
Registration deadline: June 22

Summer Sprouts Day Camp Two:
July 29-August 1, 9:30-11:30
$30 per child (ages 4-10)
Registration deadline: July 27

Summer Sprouts Day Camp Three:
August 5-8, 9:30-11:30
$30 per child (ages 4-10)
Registration deadline: August 3

Each camp will be located at our Summer Sprouts Headquarters (1219 North 450 West American Fork). To reserve your child's spot in one or more of our camps, give us a call at 801-763-5535. Registration forms and payment for all camps will be due the Saturday before the camp starts (see above for exact dates). Follow this link to print out a registration form. If you have problems printing from Google Docs, let us know and we can easily email you one.

We're so excited to get started with our Summer Sprouts Day Camps, and can't wait to get to know your children! Also, keep checking on our lesson plan page--it will be updated soon. Thanks!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Year Two!

Summer is about to begin, and year two of Summer Sprouts is about to take off! We had two super fun sessions last year, and we're really looking forward to expanding our program. In preparation, we're thrilled to introduce you to our newest staff member, Breanna Allan! Breanna is a nanny for a family in the area, and has an amazing talent with children. We're super lucky to have her this year. Jessica Jenson, Emylee Jenson, and Brianna Bartlett are back on board as well, so this year is going to be full of fun and learning!

Jessica has recently taken both a Child Development and Early Childhood Education course at the high school in preparation to receive her Child Development Associates. This year, Summer Sprout curriculum will be even more effective and even more enjoyable for our Sprouts! Our staff is really excited to get going, so official dates and times will be posted shortly. Stay tuned!